The LASER focused energy & disintegrates the ink without harming the surrounding skin...!
- Tattoos are permanent mark or design made on the skin by way of ink and needles. These tattoos made in different colors.
How does it work?
- Q-switch Nd: YAG LASERs penetrate the dermis and epidermis layer of the skin and target the tattoo ink/dye. The LASER energy disintegrates the ink/dye without harming the surrounding skin.
- This shattered ink then drains out naturally through the lymphatic drainage. The tattoo clears up gradually after a few sessions.
What are the treatment options?
- We at GEM use Q-Switch Nd: YAG LASER remarkably reduces the stubborn multicolored Tattoo.
How much time and duration is required for the treatment?
- Its an incredibly fast procedure.
- Time required for each session: The time required for each session depends on the size of Tattoo. A small size tattoo can be treated in 2 minutes, while a large one may need 5-7 minutes.
- Total duration of Treatment: Generally 3- 8 sessions are recommended for optimum results. The total duration of treatment may take 6 months.
- Time Interval between the two sessions: The gap kept between two sessions of LASER is 6-8 weeks.
- All types of tattoos can be removed using this process. This will include tattoos done by professionals and accidental tattoos that are caused by bruising of the skin.
- Tattoos of blue, black and green color can be removed by this technique.
- A specific wavelength of light passes into the skin and gets absorbed by the ink. The tattoo ink breaks into small particles which can then be eliminated by body’s natural filtering systems.
- The surrounding skin is never harmed. Different colors of ink have different spectra and so the laser machine is calibrated according to the ink to be removed.
- Professional tattoos require 6-10 sessions, whereas amateur ones need 4-5 sessions, all spaced at an interval of 6-8 weeks.
- The type and amount of ink used, and the depth of the ink in the skin decide how many sessions of treatments would be required.
- The process is associated with mild pain that can be managed by use of a local anesthetic. If the process is able to remove all the ink, then the results will be permanent.
- If it is professionally done,there is no harm.
Q Switched Nd: YAG Technology
Before and After Treatments at GEM SKIN , HAIR & LASER Centre...!