Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair Growth Without the Pain or Discomfort of Waxing...!
Laser Hair Reduction:
Shaving or plucking of hair is a daily routine for people who want to keep a clean appearance, and it can be a tiring day in and day out process. Others turn to waxing, which is a very painful process. If total body hair removal is what you have in mind then, laser hair removal might be the answer because it efficiently removes all that unwanted hair for both men and women. Laser hair removal is accomplished by destroying the hair follicles with pulses of laser light. Hair follicles contain dark skin pigments that cause hair growth and the laser beams seek and destroy that dark pigmentation, effectively removing the unwanted hair.
- At GEM we use the very best in laser technologies. We offer two different technologies to target every type of hair in different skin types, ensuring safe and effective treatments across. Laser hair removal has many advantages that attract people to use it as a form of practical hair removal. It is used to remove hair from the face, under arms,arms, legs, and bikini line, removing the necessity of shaving or waxing.
- The process takes only about 5 to 6 sessions for the majority of people who choose to use this method of hair removal.the process can also take more number of sessions for people with hormonal imbalance.
Here , at GEM we have two methods of laser hair removal and can be decided according to the patient need.
- The ND Yag Laser, gives superior results for all skin types with a high safety record on pigmented skin (Indian skin) types. Due to the light absorption and target properties of the ND Yag laser, it has been proven to be the safest kind of laser to use on pigmented skin types.
- The Diode laser gives safe and effective treatments for fairer skin types and allows us to target lightly pigmented hairs as well.
These lasers are approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) for Laser hair reduction.
Hair grows in 3 phases i.e. Anagen (Active Growing phase), Catagen (Cessation Phase) & Telogen (Resting phase). LASER targets the hair only in active growing phase (Anagen phase). Thus 5-6 sessions are required for optimum results.
Hair reducing lasers work by interacting with the pigment in the hair to produce heat. A very intense beam of light is passed through the skin at the hair root. The dark hair becomes very hot and destroys the cells that produce the hair. If the light is intense enough, the hair follicle is damaged to an extent where it can no longer produce hair at all.
- The treatment is approved by the FDA, who has deemed it safe. Each clinic is medically supervised at all times. The light produced by the laser is in the infrared end of the light spectrum as opposed to the ultraviolet end. This type of light is non-carcinogenic (non-cancer causing).
- Lasers have been used in the medical profession for over 15 years and no long-term side effects have been reported.
- During your consultation we will assess the skin and hair .That will offer you the best results to suit your needs. On average we recommend a course of 5-6 sessions.
- However, some clients do not need to return after 3to 4 treatments and some may need a couple of more sessions. The sessions are typically spaced 4 – 6 weeks apart.
- This depends on the size of the area you are having treated. Removal by the laser hair removal system takes a short amount of time, with smaller areas, like the upper lip taking only a matter of minutes. Larger areas can take up to an hour, but the adequate removal of hair can be well worth your time, saving you from the pain of spending time shaving, plucking and waxing.
- Here at GEM we use a broad treatment hand piece , which helps us to reduce treatment times , making it a quick lunch time procedure for working professionals on the go.
- Very blond / grey / white hair are not amenable for laser treatment, because the target particle of laser is melanin. Melanin is absent in white hair.
- The hair is not to be removed from your skin during treatment as the old, dead hair (the hair cast) has to work its way out. The hair cast (the treated hair which falls out by itself) often appears to be growing hair for up to two weeks after treatment, after which it will fall out.
- You can remove the hair cast by shaving, trimming or depilatory cream. Waxing and plucking are not acceptable methods of removing the hair between treatments.
- Do your best to minimize a suntan to the area being treated as a suntan can put your skin at risk as the increased skin pigment will absorb some of the laser heat. This includes sun beds and self-tanning creams. Do not apply aggravating creams to the skin before or during the course of treatment.
- This includes Glycolic Acid (AHA creams) and Retin-A cream. Also be sure to tell us if you have been taking any tablets for acne, for any period in the year before treatment or if you are taking any herbal medications as these can make your skin sensitive to laser.
Some redness and swelling is expected in the area for a few hours post treatment
- Avoid perfume, body lotions, after-shave, make-up and deodorant on the treated area
- Avoid heat treatments such as hot baths or showers, saunas, steam rooms and Jacuzzi
- Avoid tight fit clothes for a minimum of 2-3 days post laser hair removal
- Avoid cardiovascular exercise and swimming as the chemicals in the water may cause irritation
- Avoid facial and body treatments until the skin has returned to normal
- Do not apply ice-packs as this can shock and traumatize the skin
- Do not hesitate to call us if you have any Reactions/doubts/questions
Before and After Treatments at GEM SKIN , HAIR & LASER Centre...!